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Central Valley 1300 Campaign Charts Course for Future Success

Updated: Jun 25


On a crisp November day in 2023, the University of California, Merced, hosted the first Fall Summit for the Central Valley 1300 Campaign. The gathering marked a pivotal moment in our campaign's ongoing journey to empower college-bound young men of color and remove political barriers preventing their success and ability to thrive.

Chancellor Juan Munoz of UC Merced, California

Chancellor Juan Munoz of UC Merced, California Superintendent Tony Thurmond, and key representatives from Improve Your Tomorrow, along with leaders from Stan State and other educational institutions and school districts came together to outline their support and commitments for building a robust and equitable pipeline for young men of color to attend and graduate college.

The event also served as a platform to share the inspiring progress toward our campaign's goal of sending an additional 1300 young men of color to regional institutions. In just one year, 141 young men have been sent to Stan State and UC Merced. While we celebrate this achievement, it also serves as a reminder of the work that lies ahead. Our continued collaboration with regional K-12 school districts, advocacy for guaranteed admissions in higher educational institutions, and efforts to garner more community support remain at the forefront of our agenda.

A central focus of the event was the celebration of recent policy victories, notably the groundbreaking endorsement of a resolution by Modesto City Schools (MCS). This endorsement is more than just a formal nod; it represents a significant shift in educational policy and a step toward greater inclusivity and support for young men of color in the educational system.

With the recent decision by MCS, the programming footprint of IYT, the non-profit partner that provides direct services to college-bound young men of color in Northern Central Valley now includes 15 schools in Stockton, Modesto, and Merced, and will serve 900 members.

IYT Member, Ibrahim Adbdullah spoke at the summit about the impact and importance of programs like IYT.

Another exciting announcement was the expansion of the Brotherhood Action Committee (BAC) into the Central Valley. The Brotherhood Action Committee is a free youth program that builds literacy and skills, helping students better understand and use policy, civics, and advocacy to improve their own communities. The BAC will start in the spring semester of 2024 with a cohort of 50 students.

As the event concluded, there was a palpable sense of gratitude towards all those who have supported the campaign, coupled with a call to action for continued involvement and support. The invitation to join our Executive Strategy Committee and to become donors was met with enthusiasm, as these contributions are crucial for advancing our cause.

Looking forward, we are filled with optimism and determination. The strides we have made and the goals we have set are ambitious, but with the continued support and dedication of our community, we are confident in our ability to make a lasting, positive impact in the lives of young men of color. For those interested in joining us in this transformative journey, we welcome your inquiries and involvement at Together, we are not just dreaming of a brighter future; we are actively building it.


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