IYT was invited to present at the Folsom Cordova Unified School District (FCUSD) Board Meeting in June to provide an update about the impact the program has made in the district. IYT has partnered with FCUSD for the last four years. Looking at the most recent program data, Mike Casper, IYT’s COO and Co-Founder (and FCUSD graduate) shared that our middle and high school programs have helped our members achieve a 100% high school graduation rate and 90% college going rate. In addition to the data-driven presentation, parents and members from Cordova and Mills took to the podium to give public testimony, speaking to their experiences within the program.
Reflecting on the changes she’s seen in her son, Mills Middle School Parent, Valeria Benitez stated, “My son was getting off track in school and having behavior issues. Luckily somebody saw his struggle and referred him to the IYT program. This is his first year and since he has joined I have seen positive changes not only in behavior but also in grades. And for the first time, he has started talking about his future goals and furthering his education. None of this would’ve been possible if it weren’t for the IYT program”. Check out the video testimonials below to see our what our members shared with FCUSD school board about their experience in our program .
🎥 Isais Martinez-Benitez, Mills Middle School.
Isais Shares how being a part of IYT’s college-bound brotherhood helped him better express his feelings and learn to think about and plan for the future.
🎥 Dion Franklin, Sophomore at Cordova High School
🎥 Malachi Gorman, Senior at Cordova High School
Dr. Pease, Director of Social Emotional Learning and Equity at FCUSD, attributed IYT and other school programs as playing an important role the significant progress the district has made in reducing school suspensions and chronic absenteeism. The heartfelt stories from our members and their families are a testament to the profound difference IYT makes, one student at a time. We are committed to continuing this journey, fostering college-bound dreams, and building a brighter future for all our members. While our summer programming continues, we can't wait to be back on campus in a few weeks to greet new FCUSD members!
Check out the rest of testimonials from our program team below.
🎥 Alex Fiatoa, IYT Program Manager at Cordova High School
🎥 Cameron Mikell, Former Program Manager at Mills & Mitchell Middle School